Default, named, constant, factory?!? Here is a quick introduction to different Dart constructors. Knowing the differences can make your code way more readable!
Everybody needs to use constructors. And everybody needs to know what’s possible with them. So here is a quick introduction to different Dart constructors.
Default Constructor
The default constructor is the constructor type you probably use the most. It creates an instance of an object and is essential in any object-oriented programming language. Here is a small code example:
class MyClass {
MyClass() {
print("default constructor");
// call example
final myObject = MyClass();
While many other programming languages require a keyword like new
, Dart got rid of that since v2.0.
Named Constructor
Named constructors are perfect to create objects for specific purposes or give developers the ability to create objects in multiple ways. Have a look at the DateTime class of Dart. It has a default constructor and 5 named constructors (fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch, fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch, now, timestamp, utc).
The developers have the freedom to use whatever constructor matches their preferred style and available data. Here is a code example for named constructors:
class MyClass {
MyClass.anotherConstructor() {
print("named constructor");
// call example
final myObject = MyClass.anotherConstructor();
You don’t need to define a default constructor because if you omit it, it is created automatically.
Constant Constructor
A class that only contains unchangeable values (const
and final
), can declare a const
constructor. The Dart compiler can optimize this code and make your app faster. Have a look at this example below:
class MyClass {
final int id;
const MyClass(;
// call example
final myObject = const MyClass(5);
Consider using this constructor type as often as possible to speed up your final product! It is also possible to combine the const
keyword with named constructors.
💡 Tip
A constant constructor cannot have a body!
Private Constructor
A private constructor is not publicly accessible but only from within the class itself or the Dart file it is defined in. Usually you will have other types of constructors that expose it to the public. Let’s have a look at the code:
class MyClass {
MyClass._() {
print("private constructor");
// call example
// Only works when called from within the same file!
final myObject = MyClass._();
You can also name your private constructor as long as it starts with an underscore.
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Factory Constructor
A factory constructor is useful when you don’t always create a new object. The Singleton pattern is the perfect example for this type of constructor. Here is the code:
class MyClass {
static MyClass _instance;
factory MyClass() {
print("factory constructor");
if (_instance == null) {
_instance = MyClass._();
return _instance;
// call example
final myObject = MyClass();
final myNewObject = MyClass();
print(myObject == myNewObject) // returns true
You can also combine the factory
keyword and a named constructor.
💡 Tip
Factory constructors can’t access the this
Redirecting Constructor
A redirecting constructor redirects the call flow to another constructor. This can be any constructor type except factory constructors. You can also chain redirecting calls as much as you want. Here is a quick example of a named constructor that redirects to the default constructor:
class MyClass {
String name;
int age;
MyClass(, this.age);
MyClass.example() : this("Rahul", 35)
// call example
final myObject = MyClass.example();
Use the this
context to access other constructors and instance fields in a redirecting constructor.
💡 Tip
A redirecting constructor cannot have a body!
Super Constructor
A super constructor looks similar to a redirecting constructor but it calls constructors in the base class. All other possibilites of redirecting constructors are also available here like chaining calls or passing arguments. Again some code:
class MyClass {
String name;
int age;
MyClass(, this.age);
class AnotherClass extends MyClass {
String country;
AnotherClass(, super.age,;
// or
AnotherClass(String name, int age, : super(name, age);
// call example
final myObject = AnotherClass("Rahul", 35, "India");
While a redirecting constructor can’t have a method body, a super constructor can! And there are currently two synatic options to call a super constructor with arguments. Both lead to the same result.
From other programming languages, you might know constructor overloading. This means defining multiple constructors with the same name but different parameters. Here is an example with C#:
class Person {
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
// Default constructor
public Person() {
Name = "Unknown";
Age = 0;
// Constructor with one parameter
public Person(string name) {
Name = name;
Age = 0;
// Constructor with two parameters
public Person(string name, int age) {
Name = name;
Age = age;
This is not possible with Dart. But you can shift around that problem by defining multiple named constructors and redirecting them to the default constructor, for example. Here is what I mean:
class Person {
String name;
int age;
Person(, this.age);
Person.empty() : this("Unknown", 0);
Person.nameOnly(String myName) : this(myName, 0);
Person.ageOnly(int myAge) : this("Unknown", myAge);
Person.nameAndAge(String myName, int myAge) : this(myName, myAge);
In this article, I gave you a quick introduction to different Dart constructor types. With this guide you should know the differences and when to use what, no matter if you need default, named, const, factory, or super constructors.
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