How To Add New Firebase Features With Extensions

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Firebase allows installing various extensions to further increase functionality. Here is how to add new Firebase features with extensions. Instead of writing everything from scratch, you can pay some cents and use a plug and play extension from Firebase!

Firebase Extensions is an easy way to enhance Firebase and your app with additional capabilities without having to implement them yourself. They help with sending emails, translating text, resizing images, making payments, and other stuff. The possibilities are huge and it takes only minutes to set up these extensions. Instead of investing hours of development work to integrate 3rd parties into your app, look for an extension and save a lot of time!

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I’ll guide you through the setup process and present some of the extensions to you. It will give you an impression of what is possible.

🔔 Hint

Be aware that you might run into some costs. An installed extension costs around 1 cent per month and it normally uses other services in the background which can increase these costs. You will also need to activate the Blaze plan.

Finding extensions

There is an entire marketplace of Firebase extensions at There are filter options for Firebase products, categories, or providers available. You can also do a text search. But I recommend browsing the catalog to get inspired by the possibilities.

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Installing extensions

Choose an extension from the catalog like Translate Text and click on Install.

Screenshot of Firebase extension Translate Text by author
Screenshot of Firebase extension Translate Text by author

You might be asked to select the desired Firebase project. Afterward, a wizard will guide you through the process.

Set up billing
Information about the basic costs of the extension. You might be required to upgrade your billing plan to use extensions.

Screenshot of Firebase extensions setup process by author
Screenshot of Firebase extensions setup process by author

Review APIs enabled and resources created
Information about what other services and resources are required by the extension. You might be required to enable additional services in this step.

Screenshot of Firebase extensions setup process by author
Screenshot of Firebase extensions setup process by author

Review access granted to this extension
Information about access rights needed by the extension.

Screenshot of Firebase extensions setup process by author
Screenshot of Firebase extensions setup process by author

Configure extension
Configure required settings of the extension

Screenshot of Firebase extensions setup process by author
Screenshot of Firebase extensions setup process by author

It will take some time until the extension is installed and ready.

Screenshot of Firebase extension install process by author
Screenshot of Firebase extension install process by author

To see all installed extensions in your project, go to BuildExtensions in your Firebase console. You can also manage your extensions from this view.

Interesting extensions

Make Payments with Google Pay

Makes a payment with Google Pay via one or more supported Payment Service Providers, and writes the response to Cloud Firestore.

Trigger Email

Composes and sends an email based on the contents of a document written to a specified Cloud Firestore collection.

Send Messages with Twilio

Sends a message using the Twilio API based on the contents of a document written to a specified Cloud Firestore collection.

Validate Addresses with ShipEngine

Validates an address based on the contents of a document written to a specified Cloud Firestore collection.

Analyze Comment Toxicity with Perspective API

Analyze the perceived impact the text of a comment might have on a conversation using Perspective API.

Shorten URLs

Shortens URLs written to a specified Cloud Firestore collection (uses Bitly).

Translate Text

Translates strings written to a Cloud Firestore collection into multiple languages (uses Cloud Translation API).

Resize Images

Resizes images uploaded to Cloud Storage to a specified size, and optionally keeps or deletes the original image.

Image Processing API

Use this extension to optimize and transform images via a powerful HTTP API with over 30 different image operations to enhance and manipulate your images.


In this article, you saw how easy it is to enhance Firebase with new features by installing extensions.

Additional resources

Here are some additional resources about Firebase in case you want to dive deeper into the topic.

Firebase Cloud Functions

Your all-in-one toolbox to building serverless infrastructures in the cloud. Write once and scale to infinity!

Firebase Cloud Storage

Upload and download user-generated content like on a file system. Firebase Cloud Storage makes file handling simple!

Firebase Remote Config

Real-time feature toggles or A/B testing are typical use cases of Firebase Remote Config. Learn how to implement them now!

Firebase Console

Learn how to manage projects, apps, users, billing plans, and costs with step-by-step guides in the Firebase Console.

Firebase Cloud Firestore

Learn about Firebase Firestore and write mobile apps with the power of a modern and fast NoSQL database.

Firebase Authentication

Implement email/password authentication or use social providers like Google, Microsoft, and Facebook for your apps!

Firebase Hosting

Host your web apps, microservices, dynamic, and static content with this powerful yet simple solution from Firebase!

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