How To Use Firebase Authentication In Your Flutter App

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Here is how to use Firebase Authentication in your Flutter app to authenicate your users without any effort. Don’t bother building your own authentication service and use this proven service instead!

What is Firebase Authentication?

Firebase Authentication is a simple way to verify a user without having to worry about storing credentials. It supports a variety of login mechanisms and is easy to set up. You receive a complete registration flow for your users including mail confirmation and validation if desired. Before implementing an authentication process by yourself, consider using this option.

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You will need to set up a Firebase project by yourself to use these code examples here or the one from my GitHub page. If you haven’t done that already, here is an article to guide you through the necessary steps.

Which mechanisms are supported?

  • Phone number User logs in and verifies with his phone number
  • Anonymous User logs in anonymously for temporal access
  • Social login User logs in with a social provider like Google, Facebook, GitHub, Microsoft, Yahoo, etc. Requires additional plugins to be installed.

How to enable providers?

On the left of your Firebase Console dashboard, go to BuildAuthentication.

Auth menu screenshot in Firebase Console dashboard by author
Auth menu screenshot in Firebase Console dashboard by author

Then select the tab Sign-in method.

Screenshot of available sign-in methods by author
Screenshot of available sign-in methods by author

All available providers are listed here and you can activate and configure the ones you like to use. For the following examples, we will use Email/Password and Google, so they are already marked in the screenshot.

Example: Authentication with mail and password

First, we need to activate the Email/Password provider. Click on it, enable the checkbox, and confirm with Save.

Screenshot when enabling Email/Password provider in Firebase by author
Screenshot when enabling Email/Password provider in Firebase by author

Install the firebase_auth package into your Flutter app if you haven’t already done so.

To register a new user, you can use the following code.

The user will also be logged in after the code is executed. The next code snippet will perform a log-out of the current user.

And if you want to log in without registering as a new user, you can use the following code.

To handle authentication state changes, you can listen to a stream that provides updates. See the following code example.

FirebaseAuth.instance.authStateChanges().listen((user) {...});

The User object will be null if you are not logged in. Otherwise, it contains data.

After the registration, you’ll find the user’s details (except for the password, of course) in Firebase. You can manage users from the Users tab of the Authentication dashboard.

Here is a short demo video of the provided source code.

Firebase authentication demo by author
Firebase authentication demo by author
Screenshot of users dashboard in Firebase by author
Screenshot of users dashboard in Firebase by author

There are additional features that you can make use of like

Example: Authentication with Google

Activate the Google sign-in provider, enter the required mail address, and confirm with a click on Save.

Screenshot when enabling Google provider in Firebase by author
Screenshot when enabling Google provider in Firebase by author

Install the firebase_auth package into your Flutter app if you haven’t already done so.

Use the following code snippet to start the log-in process via Google.

For a log-out, you can use the same code as in the previous example.


Social authentication with Google, Facebook, Microsoft, … only works on the web platform. On all other platforms, you’ll get a runtime exception. An example of how to get the Google sign-in on Android or iOS can be found in the following article. It requires an additional package and some setup steps.


Firebase Authentication provides an easy way to implement a login and registration process for your app without handling all the details. In this article, you learned how to use Firebase Authentication in your Flutter app. The package is easy to use and provides understandable error messages that can be passed directly to the user. You can find the complete example source code on my GitHub page.

Additional resources

Here are some additional resources about Firebase in case you want to dive deeper into the topic.

Firebase Cloud Functions

Your all-in-one toolbox to building serverless infrastructures in the cloud. Write once and scale to infinity!

Firebase Cloud Storage

Upload and download user-generated content like on a file system. Firebase Cloud Storage makes file handling simple!

Firebase Remote Config

Real-time feature toggles or A/B testing are typical use cases of Firebase Remote Config. Learn how to implement them now!

Firebase Console

Learn how to manage projects, apps, users, billing plans, and costs with step-by-step guides in the Firebase Console.

Firebase Cloud Firestore

Learn about Firebase Firestore and write mobile apps with the power of a modern and fast NoSQL database.

Firebase Authentication

Implement email/password authentication or use social providers like Google, Microsoft, and Facebook for your apps!

Firebase Hosting

Host your web apps, microservices, dynamic, and static content with this powerful yet simple solution from Firebase!

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